- ActionSouth photo of Tennessee group -
Environmental activists gathered from fifteen States
We had a dynamic and exceptionally informative
Summit in Chattanooga June 28-30, 2012,
addressing nuclear issues in the South.
Thanks to all who participated!
Special thanks are extended
our exceptionally well-informed
presenters who inspired us
throughout the Summit.
Some of the Presenters
have graciously provided
their Powerpoint files
and notes for our study.
S. David Freeman, the infamous 'Green Cowboy',
and brilliantly effective efficiency champion
in both government and industry,
was there to raise our standards
for communicating with one another
and especially with the public at large.
He generously gave of his knowledge and experience
in panel discussions and also
made himself available to one and all
for questions and discussions.
We were fortunate indeed
to have him there
to help steer us towards
breakthrough communications via
awareness of the perspectives of industry individuals
and through plain-spoken talk with the public.
"Don't call it spent fuel,
call it Radioactive Trash
– garbage that has been piling up
in our backyards for 30 years,
with no trash man coming to pick it up.
This is something we can all understand."
~ S. David Freeman, author of
Winning Our Energy Independence:
An Insider Shows How
David Freeman also reminded us
of his work as Chairman of TVA in the late 1970s
when he persuaded TVA
to stop construction
of several nuclear power plants
and instead implemented a highly successful
Energy Efficiency Program
which sent out 300 Energy Doctors
who made house calls
– where nearly 500,000 valley rate-payers
signed only one piece of paper
and TVA became responsible
for making their homes energy efficient
– saving on their electric bills
and saving the whole valley
on electric capacity needs and costs.
Freeman challenged us to find a way
to reinstate that successful and
most cost-efficient program.
He suggested we persuade the public,
the business community,
industrial consumers,
and the utilities
that these programs are
in reality
Efficiency Power Plants
built for a fraction of the cost of nuclear.
Dave Lochbaum, Director, Nuclear Safety Project,
Union of Concerned Scientists,
kept our perspective light
– no matter how heavy the facts.
From his spent fuel magic tricks
reminding us that
coolant, containment, AC and DC power protections
(which are absolutely necessary
for nuclear power plant safety)
are currently provided by
safety IOUs and rabbits feet;
to his revealing the NRC's insistence that
high level irradiated waste fuel in
Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
spent fuel pools simply
'The Invisible Man'
and disappears
from safety studies
for a nuclear accident
– Lochbaum kept us laughing
and engaged, with his wit
and indelible images.
Don't forget to refresh your memory,
and see notes and powerpoint slides
from the workshops you missed,
on the Presentations page.
David Matos summarizes the whole event
in exquisite detail
on the Nuclear Free Planet site at’all-summit.html
There are also some
delightful photographs
and a nice review
by Clare Hanrahan and Coleman Smith
on the Action South site at
Southern Energy Network's,
Florida representative, Jacquie Ayala,
was one of the younger folks
who attended the Summit,
and has also written
a good review, posted at
And the Peace Education Center
has graciously posted
bunches of photos
Pam Sohn's Preview
Chattanooga Times Free Press
June 18, 2012
Cole Rose's Preview
The Chattanooga Pulse
June 28, 2012
Chattanooga Times Free Press
Review of our opening night's
Dave & Dave Show
June 29, 2012
Post-SUMMIT gathering by the river

Tom Clements ~ David Close ~ Glenn Carroll
Mary Olson ~ Diane D'arrigo ~ Don Safer
Kathleen Ferris ~ Hunter Austin ~ Charles Utley
Bobbie Paul ~ Courtney Hanson ~ Mandy Hancock
Coleman Smith ~ Clare Hanrahan ~ Hope Taylor
Dr. Yomi Noibi ~ Ron Lamb ~ Rita Harris
Ned Ryan Doyle ~ Ralph Hutchison
Sara Barczak ~ Paul Gunter
S. David Freeman ~ David Lochbaum
Reactors New & Used ~ Low and High-Level Waste
MOX/Plutonium ~ Tritium & Weapons Waste
Environmental Justice/Communities ~ Economy of Nuclear
Whistleblowers 101 ~ Water & Environment ~ Uranium Dumps
Sustainable Energy Solutions
"Until we know how to safely dispose of the radioactive
materials generated by nuclear plants,
we should postpone these activities
so as not to cause further harm to future generations.
To do otherwise is simply an immoral act,
and that is my belief, both as a scientist
and as a survivor of the Hiroshima atomic bombing."
– Dr Shoji Sawada
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Bellefonte Efficiency & Sustainability Team
Mothers Against Tennessee River Radiation
Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League
Southern Alliance for Clean Energy
Tennessee Environmental Council
Nuclear Watch South
Citizens to ENDIT
Georgia WAND
Mountain Justice
We the People, Inc.
Southern Energy Network
SAFE Carolinas
Sierra Club Nuclear Free Campaign
South Carolina Sierra Club
Tennessee Sierra Club
New South Network
Collective Progression
Nashville Peace and Justice Center
World Constitution and Parliament Association
Tennessee Interfaith Power & Light
Green Interfaith Network, Inc.
Beyond Nuclear